Fare Comparisons

Check out the Saver Fare and Smart Fare fare features or at a glance.

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fare comparisons


👎  Change of travel plans up to 3 hours before departure 👍
👎  Change for FREE 👍
👎  Refundable 👍
👍 Transferable 👍
👎  Travel Credit 👎 
*T&C’s differs for each fare type. For changes, refunds and cancellations applicable for each fare type, check them out here.

Deciding what fare option to choose? Check out the features of our Saver Fare and Smart Fare below

Saver Fare

Saver Fare - Simple & Straightforward without the fuss

Before purchasing your ticket please read the terms and conditions (t&c’s) here carefully. By purchasing a saver fare you have read and accepted the t&c’s applicable to this fare.

Need to change your travel date?

With a saver fare, the travel date may be changed one time only to another departure date. Any changes to your travel date must be made before 5pm the day before your date of travel (change fee applies).

Change fee applies

A saver fare ticket can only be transferred one time only within one month of the original travel date. A $7 change fee is applicable. Travel credit is not available with this fare.

Saver fare ticket is non-refundable

A saver fare ticket is non-refundable.

No travel credit available
A travel credit option is not available with any saver fare ticket.

Smart Fare

Smart Fare - Flexibility when you need it

Before purchasing your ticket please read the terms and conditions (t&c’s) here carefully. By purchasing a smart fare you have read and accepted the t&c’s applicable to this fare.

Need to change your travel date?

With a smart fare, the travel date can be changed for FREE!  Any changes to your travel date can be made up to 3 hours before the departure time. A smart fare ticket can only be transferred once or you may keep the ticket in credit. The travel credit must be used by 4 weeks from the original travel date and the new travel date must be within 2 months of the original travel date.

Change for FREE

With a smart fare you can change your travel date once for FREE.

Smart fare ticket is refundable

A smart fare is refundable up to 3 hours before the departure time. Any refunds given are less booking fee and cost of insurance paid*.

*The booking fee is $3.99. The insurance fee is $10.99. Total non-refundable fee is $14.99
No travel credit available

<id=”travel-credit”>A travel credit option is not available with any smart fare ticket.

A big shout-out to Luisita (web design expert), Paul Gallen (passionate and talented landscape photographer),
and our awesome Atomic Travel team (people & bus photos).